Tuesday, May 26, 2015

On Sunday, we went to church in a village outside Soroti called Kakise. We worshipped in a packed church for 4 hours. It's was awesome -I think it's the way church is meant to be! We sang, danced, heard the Bible preached, prayed, and danced some more. At one point, we were all dancing with our chairs above our heads. It was wild and fun. So much joy!

During the service, 4 women responded to the gospel and our team prayed with them to accept Jesus. Then we invited people to receive prayer for healing in their bodies. Dozens of people came forward, and every member of our team began laying hands on people and praying for them. Lots of people were touched by the prayers, but my highlight was when Nathan Eagan prayed for a man with hearing problems and God completely healed his ears! Praise God!

In the evening in Kakise, we played another outreach soccer match and had a crusade. Thousands of spectators surrounded the field, there were even people in the trees watching the game. Myself and Danny Rowe shared testimonies during halftime, proclaiming the good news of Jesus over loudspeakers to a silent audience of Ugandans. In the second half, we played really well and won the game 2-1. 

I scored a goal, but my real highlight came after the game. When the final whistle blew, I was immediately surrounded by a crowd of Ugandans. I shared the gospel with them again and asked if anyone wanted to give their life to Jesus. One boy pushed his way through the crowd and knelt down on the ground in front of me. I got to pray with him to receive Jesus right there on the soccer field. Praise God!

Monday was a travel day; we said tearful goodbyes to our Sports Outreach friends from Soroti, and got on the bus to Gulu. This is a city recovering to years of terror and war from Joseph Kony and his army of child soldiers -the LRA. When we arrived on the 40 acre farm that serves as home-base for Sports Outreach Northern Uganda, we were greeted by about 30 teenage girls singing and dancing for us. These girls had all been physically and sexually abused, and lived on the farm as part of a recovering program. They were all so beautiful!

We are excited for a day of ministry tomorrow in Gulu!

Danny Thompson 

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